Art: Through a Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People

      Pic: Yo Mama's Pieta                                     Credit: Renee Coxx  

Inspired by Deborah Willis's book, Reflections in Black, Thomas Allen Harris's film "Through A Lens Darkly" is a riveting documentary on African-American photography, and the history of how photography played a significant role in both negating and affirming blacks in American culture. White photographers (of course) did the negating and demeaned African-Americans through racist imagery. While black photographers used the camera to affirm and define African Americans and their culture. The documentary features artists and photographers like Renee Cox. Renee's Yo Mama's Pieta picture (above) of Mary cradling Jesus's body, is Renee's way showing a representation of African-Americans, that has often been excluded in biblical photographs. In the film, Mr. Harris also adds a personal touch by sharing and using  candid photos of his family as a resource in this compelling and what we feel is a must see documentary. If you haven't seen it yet or would like to learn more about this film please click here.
Check out the trailer below and tell us what you think!

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