BEYONCÉ: 1 Month Anniversary Album Review + Beyoncé Explains All in Five Part "Self Titled' Documentary

We Know we know we're the last blog on earth to review this album, but trust we have not been living under a rock. We have been Slayed!! since 12/13/13, 11:50 PM. Listen, Beyoncé said surprise! I dropped my album, and we dropped everything, stopped everything, and rolled around on the floor trying to find the wig Beyoncé snatched from our scalp lol. We were a mess (still a mess) nothing else mattered in life, in that moment, but BEYONCÉ. Let's just say this album is our new high faded faded.... lol. Yes it's late but we will try our best to give an unbiased review of this album.....Wait who are we kidding? we stan for King B and this is the 1 month anniversary for BEYONCÉ, with that being said.....
***Warning This Review Will Bey Completely Biased But Completely honest*** 

  1.  "Pretty Hurts" - This song penned by the amazing Sia, shines a light on whatever's worst in the best possible light. It tells the story of so many women trying to fix and change things on the outside, but still feeling empty and unhappy on the inside. What we love most about this song is that what she's saying is not in a  self-righteous way. Beyoncé is basically telling us yes girl pretty hurts, I know I go through the same sh!t but fu#k that let's just be happy with ourselves. This song is so uplifting, so inspiring and will be nominated for many of awards lol. 
  2.  "Haunted" - When we first bought this album which was exactly 12/13/13 11:50 p.m. we were not sure what to expect from Beyoncé this time around none of her albums are ever the same.She always finds a way to switch it up but remain true to her core. So when we first heard this song (well the opening "Ghost") it was probably the most honest we've ever heard her speak on a song. That line when she says "I don't trust these record labels" had us like yass cause we were here during the 4 era and.... never mind, but it was so honest and we really appreciated her for opening up like that on this song."Haunted" itself is so chill and dope its like a more grown up version of "Temptation" x Destiny's Child we love it.
  3. "Drunk in Love" - This is such a fun song. Everyone we know loves this song and we do mean EVERYONE. This song has made words like Surfboard, Watermelon, and Breakfast more popular than they could ever be. Beyoncé is also rapping! We always thought Beyoncé would be a dope a$$ rapper by the way she sings when she sings really fast, but Third Ward Trill came through on the verse and delivered. Jay Z also gave us a dope a$$ verse if I do say so myself lol.
  4. "Blow" -  This will be the song that we tell our kids they know nothing about when it comes on the radio 20 years from now lol. Blow is so old school yet, so new school and Grown! The production itself is Amazing. Oh yeah and we see you BB you better get yours honey yass lol.
  5. "No Angel" - We feel like this song is for those of us who get judge constantly by whoever for whatever reason, but the truth is the people judging us are not perfect either. They're no angel either and with Beyoncé being who she is you can only imagine she gets judge everyday by everyone for everything. Too many people look to Beyoncé to be this perfect role model  or Angel like (which she is to us flaws and all) she is only human just like the rest of us at the end of the day, but back to the song before we take this topic somewhere else and start going off on those of you who.... never mind. Even though this song is about not being perfect, the song itself is perfection and extremely relatable.
  6. "Partition" -This song is so refreshing there is no song out there like this and we were once again introduced to different sides of Beyoncé. Yoncé and Peaches and they bey going awf honey. This is the song we like the kinda song we like... get it? no? lol but Beyoncé did that and she's rapping again aye! Partition is a song that will get stuck in your head and stay there lol. It has so many hooks do you know how hard it is to write a good catchy hook? and Beyoncé has multiple hooks on one song ya'll. Beyoncé is the greatest not to mention this song was a freestyle. Sidenote: if Beyoncé ever decides to do a remix for this song the only person we can recommend or really hear on this song would be Nicki Minaj that's all.
  7. "Jealous"- Jealous is another one of those song (like No Angel)that really humanizes Beyoncé. Sometimes we look at Beyoncé as this larger than life like figure. She's so great, so talented, so beautiful, so everything, she cant possibly be human right? It seems as though Beyoncé wants to say wrong!! She is all of those things great, talented, beautiful, superwomen etc. lol but at the end of the day she is human and still feels the same emotions we do, she still gets jealous, angry, hurt, sad etc. This song, no this album has got to be the most open, honest, and relatable Beyoncé has been in a while. She is giving us real and raw emotions.We know it had to be hard to open up like this on this record, it would be hard for anybody to be honest, but she did it and we are forever thankful.
  8. "Rocket" - Ooh child, ooh now..... this song is pure SEX! that is all.... sidenote: check out this mash up of Rocket and D'Angelo - Untitled.... ooh child can they do this live Please!
  9. "Mine" - This song featuring trendsetter Drake is our song. We feel this song is about going through the lows in a relationship and getting through that sh!t. Once you get through it you're like there's nothing that could tear us apart now you're stuck with me, you're mine.
  10. "XO"- Ryan Tedder was not lying when he said this collab was better than 'Halo' and that is saying a lot for us because 'Halo' is one of our all time fav songs from King B. The fact that it was made for us, the fans, makes us love it even more!
  11. "***Flawless" - When you start a song off with Bow Down B!tches you can't go wrong with us. We had no idea that bow down was gonna make the album because the way Beyoncé dropped it was so unexpected, but when we heard it on here we went awf and then the beat dropped and you could hear a portion of  Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's TED talk "We Should All Be Feminists" lets just say we identified with what Chimamanda ,who we didn't know about at the time, was saying (Beyoncé always introducing us to someone or something lol we love it). Then comes the flawless ***Flawless our new anthem. Beyoncé always gives us ladies an anthem and we almost thought this album wasn't going to have one until we heard this song and we were like yasss here it is I woke up like.... Flawless
  12. "Superpower"- Superpower is also an anthem it's not a female anthem it's and everybody anthem. This song is beautiful and subtle. Listen to this song before you go to sleep and tell us you don't wake up feeling Flawless, get it get it? lol, but seriously this song is about coming together to form a power to fight a cause bigger than any one of us no matter what that cause is.
  13. "Heaven" -  If you ever lost someone close to you, this song will have you in all of your feelings. It should come with a may be in your feelings after listening warning lol. You hear that real and raw emotion in Beyoncé voice again as she sings this song. It's almost as if you can hear her crying to so you start crying even more :'( We love this song but we have to be honest this may be the one we skip the most not because we don't like it but because the way it makes us feel. It's like Beyoncé is pouring out her emotions while pulling emotions out of you and sometime our heart cant take.
  14. "Blue"- Happiness! On the very first song 'Pretty Hurts' Beyoncé said, "My aspiration in life would be…to be happy" and on 'Partition' she was asked "Are you happy to be in Pairs?" On the very last song of the album it seems as though she found that happiness in Blue! this is a Beautiful dedication to her daughter and we are so happy that she's happy this song makes us all happy inside. Sidenote: Can we say Grammy for Blues feature on the song?
P.S. We know this album is breaking a lot of records right now and as stans we are really happy and proud of Beyoncé but we really wanted to focus on the quality of the album not total number of albums sold. Honestly, we would love this album even if it only sold four copies lol. Also Check Out the Five Part "Self Titled' Documentary at Beyoncé.com


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