Celebs: Responsible For What They Endorse + Beyoncé Responds to Pepsi Criticism

Celebrity endorsement deals and product placements seems to be the go to thing right now. Big name companies are looking for big name celebs to sell their products. We no longer live in the days when companies use models or unknown people in ads to persuade buyers to purchase their products and with artist not making much money this could allow them to continue doing what they love and still have a source of income. Now, not all of these products are favored by the people. For example, Beyoncé (one of, if not the most talented entertainer of this generation) , signed a $50 million deal with Pepsi that she was quickly criticized for. Some people questioned how she could be apart of Michelle Obama's Let's Move fitness campaign and still endorse Pepsi, who many believe target children causing them to become obese but in a recent interview with Flaunt Beyoncé was asked
 “Some were critical at your participating in a Pepsi campaign after you moved your body for childhood obesity. Where is the balance between your career objectives and your philanthropy?" She responded, "Pepsi is a brand I've grown up seeing my heroes collaborate with. The company respects musicians and artistry. I wouldn't encourage any person, especially a child, to live life without balance." 

Although she responded with respect and class as she always does. Is Beyoncé really responsible for what your child puts in his/her mouth? Do we not have a mind of our own? We understand the influence celebs have which is why they are being ask to endorse these products but it's okay to support an artist without supporting the products they endorse. At the end of the day this is their job and in some cases the bulk of their income.We may think of celebs as these big stars that can't be touched but for once put yourself in their shoes as a human being. If you were asked to endorse a product for $10 million and you knew some people would be against it would you still do it?

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