Where's Bill O'Reilly? Kim K Poses Nude On The Cover Of Paper Magazine

Kim K showed showed her uh.... a$$ Kakes, literally.........

Paper Magazine introduced their winter cover star, and it's none other than reality superstar, Kim Kardashian. Paper magazine objective was to simply "Break The Internet," and sure enough a bare back shot of Kim K (and now front shot) got the Internet breaking well.... News about Kimmie Kakes, (which we think made their attempt successful! Even though most have seen the beauty's booty lol). The photo is a recreation of the iconic "Champagne Incident," shot by the same legendary photographer Jean-Paul Goude. By now, Kim has to know that she will get backlash for these type of shoots and just doesn't care (as she shouldn't), and by now, people must know Kim will do shoots like these right? (So why do we care so much *Kanye shrug*). To us what seems to be the problem is hypocrisy on both sides of the spectrum. On one hand you have people like  Bill" O'Reilly,
who went on a campaign about how Queen Beyonce is the cause of teen pregnancy because she wasn't fully clothed, and sang about having sex with her Husband, but ole Bill and people like him are silent when it comes to Kim, hmm we wonder why? Not to mention Instagram shut Rihanna's insta down for posting pics of her breast, but yet, Kim's bare butt is still up WHY?! On the other hand you have people who defend and support entertainers like, Beyonce, Rihanna and Nicki and call it feminism or female empowerment (and we agree), but when it comes to Kim, shes a $lut, attention whore, etc. You can argue that Kim is a mother now, well so is a lot of People, (nudity may be tmi but it doesn't make you an unfit parent fyi). We're not saying you have to like Kim, but don't you think it's a little hypocritical to bash one and not the others, and to the people who condemn only black entertainers (Bey,Rih, and Nicki) that express their sexually but Choose to stay silent on Kim K... umm white privilege much? Hey, maybe we're ranting too much about nothing (it's body parts we all have) so we say ALL of that to say this, women ( and men) who got it  (or don't lol ) and want to flaunt it go right ahead and own it that's all haaaa!
Check out the NSFW pics of the Kim and the recreation pic below!!



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