Art: Artists take on Water Tank Project in New York

Artists Jeff Koons, Catherine Opie, John Baldessari, & Carrie Mae Weems is set to take part in the Water Tank Project this summer in New York where they will try to change the way people look at water consumption by creating water-themed works on tanks. 

“Water is our most challenged but taken-for-granted resource. It’s all around us but virtually invisible,” says Neville Wakefield, a member of the project’s curatorial team. “By drawing attention to the water tanks, we hope to alert the world to the wastage of our most precious commodity.”

We think this is a great idea so many people love art and will stop to look at a peice of art work before they
will a rusty tank. It makes us want to take a visit to NY just so we can see this wonderful art work. If you live NY or visit and you happen to spot art on a water tank send it to us and we will put it on our blog!! You can learn more about the story on Art Observed and Art News

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